About Us

FOCUS was founded in 1994 by the Ismaili Community under the guidance of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan. Currently, we operate in Central and South Asia, Europe and North America to support emergency relief, principally in the developing world. The organisation serves people in need by reducing their dependence on humanitarian aid and facilitating their transition to sustainable, self-reliant and long-term development.


Over nearly two decades, FOCUS has grown on a global level into a multifaceted organisation, providing relief and assistance following avalanches, landslides, mudflows, earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, floods and wild fires. FOCUS has also undertaken successful resettlement programmes for displaced families and extended relief and recovery support for communities living in vulnerable environments.


Our mission is: to save lives, reduce suffering and create resilience in communities prone to man-made or natural disasters. Our main purpose is encompassed in the FOCUS vision statement: to become a seamless world-class community-based emergency humanitarian assistance organisation capable of delivering an increasing number of effective programmes and projects that save and protect lives, alleviate suffering and deprivation, facilitate refugee resettlement and repatriation, and facilitate disaster risk reduction measures in communities prone to man-made or natural disasters. This is achieved through our endeavours in disaster risk reduction, disaster response, refugee and internally displaced persons assistance and operational strengthening.


As an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), FOCUS collaborates closely with several of its branches. FOCUS also works with a number of other like-minded agencies and donor partners.  These include partner government and government agencies, NGOs, as well as corporations that share an interest in the effort to provide relief and support services during and following natural and man-made disasters.

Become a FOCUS Star Today

FOCUS requires your support to continue it’s ongoing work around the world.


By becoming a FOCUS Star, you can give a regular monthly donation to continue to support us and the most vulnerable members of society.


Visit the ‘Donate‘ page under ‘Get Involved’ to give a one-off donation, or become a FOCUS Star.

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